Program for the Poster Session

BDIC Conference on Computer Science and Electrical/Electronics Engineering
Date: November 13, 2024
Location: Teaching Building 4, 7th Floor, Shamrock Room, Beijing University of Technology (BJUT), Beijing, China

02:00 – 02:30 PM
Opening Remarks and Welcome Address
Speaker: Dr. Nima Afraz, Conference Chair
Venue: BJUT Teaching Building 4, 7th Floor, Shamrock Room
Description: The conference will kick off with a welcome address by Dr. Nima Afraz, outlining the event’s goals, the importance of academic collaboration between BJUT and UCD, and the opportunities this conference offers.

02:30 – 03:30 PM
Information Session: China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Funding Opportunities at UCD

  • [Insert Name], UCD International Office Representative
  • [Insert Name], Professor and CSC Advisor
    Venue: Main Conference Hall
    Description: This session focuses on the funding opportunities available for Chinese students through the China Scholarship Council (CSC) program and other postdoctoral options. It will cover application procedures, eligibility, and support for CSC scholars at UCD.

03:30 – 05:30 PM
Poster Session and Networking
Venue: Poster Exhibition Hall
Description: Students and researchers from BJUT and UCD will present their posters in one of four tracks:

  1. Computer Science: Theory and Applications
  2. Electrical Engineering: Circuits, Systems, and Devices
  3. Electronics Engineering: Emerging Technologies
  4. Interdisciplinary Research and Applications

Awards: The top 3 posters will receive prizes based on novelty, clarity, and impact of research. Prizes include smart gadgets such as smartwatches and more!

05:30 – 06:00 PM
Announcement of Poster Awards and Closing Remarks
Speaker: [Insert Name], Conference Chair
Venue: Main Conference Hall
Description: The top posters will be awarded, followed by closing remarks that summarize the key takeaways from the conference. Participants will be encouraged to continue building collaborations between BJUT and UCD.

06:00 PM
Conference Ends